Modern Islamic Concept
The concept of Islamic Hotel in Hotel Adya Chenang starts with providing facilities which are convenient to be used by all of our beloved guests, all of these facilities never at once discriminate our guest of other belief, instead it guarantees a comfort and pleasure environment to everyone staying in our hotels.
Prayer Room
Despite of our generous built of rooms which gives enough space for our Muslim guests to pray, we also provide a specific prayer room to be utilized for Jama’ah prayer (mass prayer) by our guests and staffs. Not to mention, we will recite azan through the hotels speakers at each prayer times, and having Jama’ah prayer with all of our staffs at the prayer room. All of our guests are cordially invited.
Muslim Friendly Rooms
In each of our rooms, we strive to provide a better facilities for all of our Muslim guests. Apart from providing a holy book of al-Quran and Yaasin booklet, our rooms also provide a specific pipe for ablution. You also can find the prayer mat in the room as well as the Qiblah direction together with the monthly prayer time schedule, and its all provided just for our Muslim’s guests convenience.
hotel adya chenang
Muslim-Friendly Activities
In Hotel Adya Chenang, there are lot of activities that have been done in order to facilitate the soul of our staffs to give the best service as well as to ensure that the Hotel operation is always in Syariah compliance. Most of the activities are welcomed to be joined by our beloved guests as well.
Jama’ah Prayer
Our management are committed to instil the environment of having Jama’ah prayer with all of our staff at each prayer times especially during working hours (Zohor and ‘Asar prayer). All of our guests are cordially invited to join us whenever possible.
Contribution to Asnaf (Needy people) Funds
As contribution to the society is one of our main efforts, we would like to share this continuous Jariyah with the staffs and our guests as well. Some fund boxes are provided at the Reception Counter and Restaurant Counter so that everyone may join our efforts to contribute to the needy.
Weekly Al-Quran (Surah Yaasin) Recitation
Since opening, our Management has decided to have have some leisure times with all of our staffs to recite al-Quran together despite of our busy work schedule. Surah Yaasin has been chosen to be recited as it is more convenient to everyone and this program normally will be held on every Thursday after having Zohor prayer together. All of our guests are cordially invited.
Religious Talk/Lecture/Sharing
Adya Hotel from time to time will hold a religious talk or lecture so that it will benefits all of our staffs in terms of their soul improvement. This talk/lecture will be held and organized by the Management once in a month or two months, and usually it will be opened to all of the communities in Langkawi as part of our CSR as well. Our guests are specially invited.
Muslim-Friendly Services
Without disregard the basic hoteliers services from heart to all of our guests, an exceptional services are provided to our guests of Islamic belief as well.
Free Shuttle Van to the Mosque for Juma’ah (Friday) Prayer
Every Friday, all of Muslim males are required to go the mosque for Juma’ah prayer. Therefore, as an Islamic Hotel, a free shuttle van will be provided to all of our Muslim guests and staffs who want to go to the mosque for Juma’ah prayer.
Despite of the normal greetings,Hotel Adya Chenang emphasizes on all of its staffs to give the best greetings from heart. Begin with ‘Assalamualaikum’ which means ‘peace be upon you’, we are continuously strive to ensure that this kind of greetings is always be at the mouth tip of our staffs, hence would create a pleasant atmosphere throughout the hotel.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
As an Islamic hotel, we believe that the business profit is not our sole objective in running a business. Apart from struggling to achieve the targeted revenues, our management is committed to contribute and share part of our profits to the needy and helpless community surrounding of our hotel. As we believe, the more we give, the more we get, this core principles made us to be more responsible to contribute anything we have from our heart.